Jim Murray (previously trading as White Box Ltd. )
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AOB (Activities Outside the Box) apart from my commercial life in White Box I did manage to get involved in voluntary work and 'just for fun' activies.

  • School governor for 16 years. Governor of both a local primary and local Secondary school during the rather turbulent transition to LMS (Local Management of Schools) when we as individual schools took charge of our own budgets.
  • Chairman of PTA
  • Trustee of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, a priceless national asset of traditional musical material.
  • Friend of the Richmond Music Trust (fundraising). I quote - "Richmond Music Trust was established as a music education charity in April 1994 to provide a range of high quality musical and educational opportunities for the benefit of young people and others in and around the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames."
  • Organised and hosted local art group.
  • Organised and promoted Folk concerts at various venues around London.